Pilates Elf's 12 Days of Christmas!

Louisa Harris • Dec 18, 2020

The Pilates Elf's 12 Days of Christmas!

The Pilates Elf is back! Getting all Christmasmassy!

"On the first day of Christmas Pilates gave to me, exercises to mobilise our shoulders beautifully."

The super Shoulder drop, a great way to learn to isolate movement around the shoulder joint and release the tension we all tend to hold in this area.
  •  Lying in relaxation position (semi-supine) with knees bent and neutral pelvis
  •  Arms lengthened up in line with your shoulders, palms facing inwards towards each other
  •  Either one arm at a time or both together, breathe in as you reach the arms up (try to avoid hunching shoulders up to your ears), breathe out as you melt the shoulders back down towards the mat/floor (keeping the arms lengthened and trying to avoid the shoulders creeping up to your ears and keeping the neck soft and released too)

"On the second day of Christmas Pilates gave to me, exercises to mobilise our hips and challenge our centre perfectly."

The humble single knee fold, to work on our pelvic stability and hip mobility.
  •  Lying in relaxation position (semi-supine) with knees bent and neutral pelvis
  •  As you breathe out and engage your centre float your bent leg up as far as you can without losing your the neutral position of your spine and pelvis you begin with
  •  Ideally shin parallel with the floor but if you need to it's ok to soften the shin as long as maintaining stability around your centre
  •  Breathe in to stay as and as you breathe out keep your centre engaged enough that the shape of your spine doesn't change as you lower the leg down with control
  • Alternate sides and you can build up to 8 reps each side
"On the third day of Christmas Pilates gave to me, the gift of spinal fluidity."

The sensational spine curl, if hamstrings are tight it may help to mobilise hips and stretch the hamstrings beforehand.  My video on YouTube may help: https://youtu.be/HhgwQ65oftE

  •  Lying in relaxation position (semi-supine) with knees bent and neutral pelvis
  •  Breathe in to stay and as you breathe out keep your centre engaged and begin to tilt your pelvis, and peel each vertebrae up one at a time until your pelvis is neutral in a raised position. The tips of your shoulder blades will still be in contact with the mat
  •  Breathe in to stay
  •  As you breathe out melt the spine back down to the mat one vertebrae at a time
  • You can build up to 8 reps

If you have osteoporosis or disc related low back pain spinal flexion may be contraindicated. Instead you can keep the spine and pelvis neutral and bridge up in one piece without spinal articulation.
"On the fourth day of Christmas Pilates gave to me, the gift of core stability."

The splendid Single Leg Stretch.

  •  Lying in relaxation position (semi-supine) with knees bent and neutral pelvis
  •  As you breathe out and engage your centre float your bent leg up as far as you can without losing your the neutral position of your spine and pelvis you begin with (shin parallel with the floor)
  •  Breathe in to stay as and as you breathe out keep your centre engaged enough that the shape of your spine doesn't change as you bring your second leg up with control to a double knee fold
  •  If no osteoporosis or low back/neck pain, you have the option to add your curl up (chin tuck first!) and reach your right hand to right ankle and left hand to right knee
  •  Draw the right leg in towards you and the left leg lengthens away at approx 45 degree angle then continue to exchange hand and leg pattern so then left hand to left ankle and right hand to left knee with right leg extending away
  •  If performing without curl up same leg pattern but hands will reach outside of knees and legs to lengthen up higher
  •  After 6-8 repetitions each side return to double knee fold position, lower the head/upper body back down to the mat (if applicable) and maintain control through your centre as you lower the legs down one at a time
  • If you have osteoporosis or disc related low back pain spinal flexion may be contraindicated. Instead you can keep the head down and legs higher as mentioned above.
"On the fifth day of Christmas Pilates gave to me, the gift of low back release." 

The delicious hip roll! Sounds like I'm on about food again but I promise I'm not!
  •  Lying in relaxation position (semi-supine) with neutral pelvis, knees bent, legs and feet together. Arms in a low V position palms facing upwards
  •  As you breathe out and engage your centre let your pelvis, legs and feet peel over to one side with control, keeping the width across your upper back and shoulder blades in contact with the mat - try to keep inner edge of your feet together as if they're both in one big shoe! 
  •  You can either keep your head centred or let you head turn to the side away from your legs (e.g. legs to right, head turns to left then vice versa!!)
  •  Breathe in to stay and as you breathe out keep your centre engaged as you return your legs (and head) back to the midline
  •  Aim for 6-8 repetitions each side.
"On the sixth day of Christmas Pilates gave to me, the gift of leg strength and stability"

The sensational spine curl from day 3 ramped up by having your feet on a full foam roller!
As before if hamstrings are tight it may help to mobilise hips and stretch the hamstrings and my video on YouTube may help: https://youtu.be/HhgwQ65oftE

  •  Lying in relaxation position (semi-supine) with knees bent and neutral pelvis, arch of feet on roller (press down rather than away)
  •  Breathe in to stay and as you breathe out keep your centre engaged and begin to tilt your pelvis, and peel each vertebrae up one at a time until your pelvis is neutral in a raised position. The tips of your shoulder blades will still be in contact with the mat.
  •  Breathe in to stay
  •  As you breathe out melt the spine back down to the mat one vertebrae at a time
  • You can build up to 8 reps
  •  If you're feeling brave and not too crampy in hamstrings feel free to add a single knee fold too and keep pelvis level!

If you have osteoporosis or disc related low back pain spinal flexion may be contraindicated. Instead you can keep the spine and pelvis neutral and bridge up in one piece without spinal articulation. The knee fold addition is possible as long as alignment and technique spot on!

"On the seventh day of Christmas Pilates gave to me, the gift of thoracic release and mobility."

So beneficial to get the upper back loosened with thoracic rotation as it can become so stiff, the rotation will help to give your shoulders a break!

  •  Lying on your side, line your back up with the edge of your mat, have a large cushion (approx. 3 inches) behind your head (as your head will roll), your neck is in line with and level with the spine, your arms are extended in front of you, palms facing each other, at shoulder height. Your shoulders should be stacked over each other, take care not to let your upper body roll forward or back. Try to lift out of the supporting/underneath shoulder rather than slump on it. 
  •  Stack all your bones on top of each other: feet, ankles, knees, hips. Bend both knees in front of you at an angle of approx 90 degrees; your pelvis is still in neutral, don’t let the waist sink down towards the floor. It may be helpful to use a small cushion or overball between the knees.
  •  Inhale to prepare, exhale to centre, inhale as you open your top arm to the ceiling, leave the arm in the same position in relation to the body, exhale as you rotate from the ribs, the arm only moves because the ribs are moving, don’t let it drop back and lead the movement. Your head follows the movement, keep looking at your hand. 
  •  Inhale to stay, exhale as you keep centred and rotate the ribs and arm forward and then close the arm to return to your start position.
  •  Aim for 8-10 repetitions each side.

"On the eighth day of Christmas Pilates gave to me, the gift of hip extension and mobility."

Sorry my photographer (hubby!) cut my lower leg and foot out of shot! 
So beneficial to extend the hips and strengthen the glutes! 
Side lying forward and back legs:

  • From your arm openings starting position, lying in straight line on your side, if possible for you, remove your head cushion, stretch your underneath arm under your head, resting a smaller cushion on your underneath arm for your head. 
  •  Keep your legs in chair position but remove any cushion or overball that you may have had between your knees. 
  •  Your pelvis is still in neutral, your waist should stay long on both sides, don’t let it sink towards the floor, keep the hip bones level. 
  •  You can rest your upper arm/hand lightly in front of you (fingertips on a cushion if more comfortable) without letting your upper body roll forward of back. 
  •  Inhale to prepare, exhale as you centre and lengthen the top leg away from you, keep it hip height throughout and start off with it line with your hip.
  •  Inhale to flex the foot and exhale to kick the leg forward as far as you can without tilting the pelvis.
  •  Inhale to pause and softly point the foot and exhale to sweep the leg back as far as you can without arching your lumber spine.
  •  Aim for 8-10 repetitions each side.
  • You may prefer to do your side lying rotation (Day 7) and side lying legs on one side then change sides.

"On the ninth day of Christmas Pilates gave to me, the gift of strength with four point kneeling".

  •  Set yourself up in four point kneeling with knees under hips and arms under shoulders, ideally inner elbow creases facing each other and spread out fingers. Press yourself up and away from the floor keeping the width across your shoulders and your spine and neck in neutral.
  •  If wrists uncomfortable in this position you could make fists and weight bear on first and second knuckles (not thumb) with inner elbow creases facing each other or come on to elbows with hands together and just do the legs part of following exercise.
  •  As you breathe out and centre slide one leg away without disturbing your pelvis or shifting body weight from side to side. If you can maintain stability you can add a lift of the leg whilst maintaining lumbar and pelvic stability.
  •  Option 1 to add an opposite arm slide and lift to the leg slide and lift whilst. maintaining lumbar and pelvic stability
  •  Breathe in to stay and as you breathe out lower and slide the leg and/or arm back to your start position with control.
  •  Option 2 to add on that you slide one leg away as you exhale and centre, curl toes underneath you in contact with the floor. Opposite arm can slide and float away at the same time, inhale to stay and exhale as you add thoracic rotation and an arm circle (like a chalk circle movement) whilst maintaining lumbar and pelvic stability.
  •  Return to 4 point kneeling before switching sides.
  •  Sit back into rest position/child's pose and circle or shake out the wrists if needed.
  •  Aim for 6-8 repetitions each side.
 "On the tenth day of Christmas Pilates gave to me, the gift of upper body extension".

Cobra prep and full:

  •  Set yourself up lying on your tummy, use a small cushion or folder towel under your tummy if your low back needs more support.
  •  Arms at a right angle with thumbs roughly in line with your nose, curl your head so your forehead rests on the mat (use a small cushion if needed)
  •  Legs a little wider than hip width and turned out from the hips.
  •  As you breathe out engage your centre, and nudge an imaginary marble away with your nose as you uncurl your upper back leaving your elbows and forearms in contact with the floor, try to avoid pushing yourself up with your arms but instead lift your upper back up from the frame you've made with your arms with a sense of width across your shoulders. Inhale at the top whilst maintaining enough control of your centre and exhale as you peel your upper back down to the mat.
  •  Option only if you have a happy back (please avoid if low back pain) is to take your spine further into extension by extending the arms as you come up.
  •  Aim for 6-8 repetitions.
  •  Once you've finished, sit back into rest position (child's pose) or roll on to your back and hug your knees into your chest.
 "On the eleventh of Christmas Pilates gave to me, the gift of even more spinal mobility". 

  •  Set yourself up in four point kneeling with knees under hips and arms under shoulders, ideally inner elbow creases facing each other and spread out fingers. Press yourself up and away from the floor keeping the width across your shoulders and your spine and neck in neutral.
  •  If wrists uncomfortable in this position you could make fists and weight bear on first and second knuckles (not thumb) with inner elbow creases facing each other or come on to elbows with hands together.
  •  As you breathe out and centre round your spine into a lengthened and even C curve, including a pelvic tilt and a chin tuck.
  •  As you inhale return to your neutral 4 point kneeling start position.
  •  Sit back into rest position/child's pose and circle or shake out the wrists if needed.
  •  Aim for 6-8 repetitions.
"On the twelfth day of Christmas Pilates gave to me, the gift of lateral flexion".

This could also be done in a comfortable seated position as the Mermaid/Merman/Merperson (!!) position may not be suitable for niggly knees or hips.

  •  Start kneeling and then move your pelvis off to one side, widen the bent legs as much as you need to for comfort. Pelvis to be as level as possible (although one side slightly lifted) and spine lengthened and lifted from your centre.
  •  Inhale as you float up your right arm, exhale as you reach up and over into your side reach.
  •  Inhale to stay and exhale to return to your start position.
  •  Repeat the above with your left arm.
  •  Aim for 6-8 repetitions then swap leg position to other side if in Mermaid position and repeat.
  • rallel with the floor but if you need to it's ok to soften the shin as long as maintaining stability around your centre
  •  Breathe in to stay as and as you breathe out keep your centre engaged enough that the shape of your spine doesn't change as you lower the leg down with control
  • Alternate sides and you can build up to 8 reps each side


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